Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Using CS Review in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5

With the recent 5.0.2 update, Adobe activated the CS Review functionality in Premiere Pro. This web-based feature replaces the CS4 Clip Notes feature as a tool for collaborative video reviews.

To access CS Review, you need a (free) Adobe ID, and a (free-for-a-year) CS Live subscription. David Herman gives complete activation instructions in a post to this thread in the Premiere Pro User-To_User forum: Setting up CS Review for Adobe Premiere Pro CS5. (Scroll down the thread about halfway.)

Terry White's video tutorial on Adobe TV describes the workflow for using CS Review with Adobe Premiere Pro CS5:

Full-screen version here.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Create a picture frame with Track Matte Key in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5

Here's a video tutorial showing how to create a picture frame with the Track Matte Key in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5:

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mini-review of Murch's In The Blink Of An Eye posted

Today, I posted, on, a mini-review of Walter Murch's insightful book about the editing of moving pictures, In the Blink of an Eye. It's a great book both for practitioners of the craft, and for people who love moving pictures. The review is to be found here: Review of In the Blink of an Eye.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Dave Basulto has posted, on Vimeo and Filmmaking Central, a tutorial for using the Ultra Key effect:

Keying in Premiere Pro CS5 from David Basulto on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

motion-picture-making news and training: hello world

Not quite sure what to call this blog yet. "Motion picture" sounds old-fashioned, but maybe the making of moving pictures is where it all comes down.

Not so long ago, video was shot to tape, and "film" was shot to film. People producing film were a different group from people producing video, or--dare I say it--people producing video for the web. Video editing, not film editing, was done on computers. Now, much video is shot to disc and much film also is shot to disc. Now, most video editing, and most film editing is done on computers, whether the footage is shot to film, tape, or to hard drives.

And clients and managers want motion pictures to appear on web sites, Blu-ray discs, DVDs, and who-knows what. So, this is a blog about making and delivering moving pictures, regardless of capture medium.

Maybe, occasionally, we can get into the aesthetics, not just the techniques. That would be nice: a place to discuss visuals with people who also have a good eye.

Having recently completed a five-year stint as a technical writer on the Adobe Premiere Pro team, and a 14-year stint as the Editor-in-Chief of Videomaker Magazine I'm soaked with information about the tools, techniques, and aesthetics of motion-picture production. There is a fair number of sites and publishers already providing news and training material for this field. By no means would I try to replace their fine efforts. Rather, I thought I'd put up a blog as a place to aggregate their resources, and occasionally contribute a news item, product review, or tutorial of my own. I hope this to be a one-stop-shop for information about video production and post-production
useful to anyone engaged in the craft, from noobie to pro. Until it gets there, this is the place I'll check often for news and new instruction. Subscribe, or check back once in a while to catch the latest from the news feeds or posts.

May all your pictures be moving.

--Stephen Muratore